Justice for George Floyd! Mass Release NOW!

We are joining organizations across the country on Saturday, May 30ᵗʰ to demand justice for all stolen lives, for those lost at the hands of police, for those lost by healthcare inequality during the pandemic, and those lost in detention centers, jails, and prisons.
We call for the indictment and conviction of all killer cops. We call on the President, Governors and Mayors, Prosecutors and Judges, to take immediate steps to depopulate jails, prisons, and im/migrant detention centers and juvenile facilities.
We will converge on Dallas City Hall for a socially distanced protest. Afterwords, caravan riders will climb in our cars, and take our message to the streets with a caravan for justice! Decorate your cars with signs before you come, or with materials we bring to share. We are asking everyone to observe social-distancing and wearing masks.
Upload your photos and videos to the shared album at: https://photos.app.goo.gl/cnPMgXqV7gwDsLoP6
The National Alliance Against Racist & Political Repression has issued a national call to action:
We are calling this united action to demand the immediate release of all political prisoners and the wrongfully convicted survivors of torture immediately. These prisoners can be released by pardons, commutation of sentences, paroles, furloughs, signature bonds and prosecutors dropping charges and judges granting probations. The federal and state governments have plenty of means for meeting our demands and no reason to deny them other than greed and profiteering off of private prisons and prison labor, the still legal form of slavery under the 13ᵗʰ Amendment.