Dallas Demands Community Control!
We stand for accountability and transparency, and an integrated approach to community wellbeing. Public safety starts long before the role of law enforcement: in our education system, workplaces, healthcare, and access to public services. Our city must give its residents the final say in who serves us and how we are served in the department of public safety.
If the people are not given the democratic right to the final and full authority over their own public safety, then the police do not "protect and serve" them. The great power over life and freedom that police have over us has no right to exist without the will and consent of the people.
It is impossible to put an end to police misconduct, abuse of power, harmful or racist policies, and crime within agencies without putting the Dallas Police Department directly under the control of the community it operates in. We call upon the City of Dallas to enact the all-elected Civilian Public Safety Commission.
The new Civilian Public Safety Commission will have:
- A directly-elected all-civilian body, voted on and made up of the residents of Dallas
- Final authority over police policy, oversight policy, and budget, including writing and reviewing
- Full authority on disciplinary measures and legal recourse, including subpoena power and the convening of grand juries
- Hiring and firing power over the police chief or superintendent, all officers on the force, the head of any existing oversight or review boards and offices, and the members of those
- Full access to all investigations by the oversight or review institutions and broader scope of investigations including all allegations of misconduct and sexual assault
- Negotiation on police union contracts
- District-level organization
- All serving members with at least the past 2 years of experience organizing to protect the rights of oppressed people and victims of police brutality
- Exclusion of all current and former law enforcement agents from serving on the board
What is Community Control of the Police and why do we need it?
Go to naarpr.org to learn more!