Open Letter on DyNell Lane

Dallas City Manager,

The people of Dallas deserve respect, compassion, and protection under the law by the public servants of this city. The lack of honest and upright response to the case of DyNell Lane reveals a complete lack of accountability or decency on the part of the Dallas Police Department (DPD). An organization dedicated to public safety would have zero tolerance for the flagrant disregard for Texas’ state equal access laws protecting disability rights, and especially for the hateful attitude the four officers involved displayed towards a resident in need.

Due to being wounded serving in combat, DyNell Lane suffers from a disability which requires him to have access to restrooms. Under Ally’s Law, he is guaranteed this right. When he needed help accessing a restroom in Deep Ellum, and provided information about his disability, the officers refused to uphold the law and help him. In desperation, Mr. Lane called DPD in the hopes that newly dispatched officers may help, but due to how long this ordeal went on, Mr. Lane soiled himself. The officers who arrived late cared just as little as the two who were already there, and all four of them were caught laughing and joking at Mr. Lane’s expense for the humiliation they caused him.

The written reprimands and mandated sensitivity training DPD issued for the officers involved is merely lip service to acknowledge that a wrong was committed, but no functional organization in any field would accept employees treating someone in need this way. Officers wielding lethal force should be held to a higher standard, not to the absolute lowest. DyNell Lane, the victim in this case, has rightfully expressed that officers like this should have no place on the Dallas police force, if they sincerely exist to protect and serve the people of Dallas.

DyNell Lane, along with the undersigned community organizations, strongly believes these officers should have their employment with the city immediately terminated for their behavior. The Community Police Oversight Board (CPOB) shares our concerns and has invoked Ordinance 37-32(a)(6). This ordinance empowers the CPOB to request your intervention in reviewing disciplinary actions. We urge you to take this request seriously and conduct a thorough review of the case.

We demand that you use your authority to ensure a just resolution for Mr. Lane and send a clear message that such behavior will not be tolerated within the Dallas Police Department.

National Alliance Against Racist and Political Repression - Dallas
DFW Socialist Rifle Association
UT Arlington Progressive Student Union
La Frontera Nos Cruzó
Dallas Anti War Committee